A lot of businesses have a Facebook page and a lot have a website.
Some businesses send people from Facebook to their website.
Some send people away from their website to Facebook.
Some businesses do both and also have links that send people back again to the other, or to Linked In and various directories and even competitor’s websites.
The problem is that sending people all over the place disperses them and decreases business.
The way to succeed on the net is to channel people to a specific, central place and get them to do a specific thing. You need to create a flow, because without this you have no control and no end result.
How to increase business from the internet …
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For most businesses this is their website. For my brother-in-law who sells white-goods, it’s his Facebook page.
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Decide what you want to happen when they get there. It could be to leave an email address, to phone you or you may want to collect a Facebook ID or Google ID to target ads to them later.
The purpose of being online for most businesses is to contact new people and create new business. Other reasons include credibility, providing service to current clients and direct sales ( but for most businesses, direct sales won’t happen without building up some goodwill first, which involves contacting new people in the first place ).
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Direct everything to the central location. If it’s the website, then directory listings should link to it, not Facebook or Linked In. And the business Facebook page & Linked In page exist to send people to the website ( for my brother-in-law the website exists to send people to his business Facebook page because that’s his central location ).
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If the main business presence is the website, then don’t send them back to Facebook or Youtube with tempting social icons and keep all links that send people away from the website to a minimum. Don’t have a links page or links that send people to competitors or other places that will take business away from you !
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If you want people to leave an email address or phone number, or to call you directly then make sure there’s a prominent offer on the exact page they arrive on. Or simply provide the info & then collect their Facebook ID or Google ID if you’re sending people from a paid ad.
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Using a Facebook page
( For businesses where their website is the main online presence. )
- Put something new on the website. Include an offer if it’s appropriate.
- Add a post on the business Facebook page about the new offer with a link to it. Don’t give all the details – leave a bit of mystery to encourage people to click through.
If you don’t know what your clients or prospects want click here to learn a fast and easy way to find out.